bit2.biz is the ultimate investment platform that gives you honest returns for the opportunities we harness with your money.
bit2.biz is the ultimate investment platform that gives you honest returns for the opportunities we harness with your money.
Let tomorrow begin today
If you need to think about it or obtain permission to do it, Then it's not worth doing. Seen or unseen, tested or untested, nothing is more realistic than reality. Now that you can, join us.
Your money is handled by financial professionals who have flawless records in risk analysis and high profit ventures.
We do what you cannot do, dare what you cannot dare and achieve what you cannot achieve
We cannot fail you. If our third party investments stop favoring us, we will stop accepting new investors; however, we must fulfill our promise
We are here to stay. We would rather reduce percentage returns over time than stop entirely. Our mission is to keep giving you profit, no matter how small.
If you need to think about it or obtain permission to do it, Then it's not worth doing. Seen or unseen, tested or untested, nothing is more realistic than reality. Now that you can, join us.
Your money is handled by financial professionals who have flawless records in risk analysis and high profit ventures.
We do what you cannot do, dare what you cannot dare and achieve what you cannot achieve
We cannot fail you. If our third party investments stop favoring us, we will stop accepting new investors; however, we must fulfill our promise
We are here to stay. We would rather reduce percentage returns over time than stop entirely. Our mission is to keep giving you profit, no matter how small.
As always, partners grows with you!
As always, partners grows with you!
1 month Plan (promo) 100% Per month
- Promo extends till 10th Dec 2016
- Can be withdrawn after the first month
- 20% Referrer bonus
- Interest = Amount x 2
2 months Plan 100% Per month
- Stops growing after 2 months
- Cannot be withdrawn till 2 months
- 20% Referrer bonus
- Interest = Amount x 2
4 months Plan 120% Per month
- Stops growing after 4 months
- Cannot be withdrawn till 4 months
- 25% Referrer bonus
- Interest = Amount x 4.8
6 months Plan 150% Per month
- Stops growing after 6 months
- Cannot be withdrawn till 6 months
- 30% Referrer bonus
- Interest = Amount x 9
Let tomorrow begin today
If you believe you must work to earn, you may never be rich because riches are not earned; they are discovered.
bit2.biz is an online investment opportunity set to help people employ their money and get commensurate reward for it. It is not a ponzi scheme. We do business with your money and return honest dividends to you.
This looks strange because it is uncommon not because it is impossible.
We return 150% interest monthly based on the duration that investor could allow.
Questions, skepticism, propaganda may arise against the workability of this system. However, the only way to clear your doubts is to hold your money.
How do you think a man could grow to world 7th richest in less than 15 years of business if he doesn't make over ₦1 billion daily. How much did he invest? Perhaps he is fraudulent?
If you don't know how, Just trust those who do.
Skepticism is good in some cases of life just as an umbrella is good in some cases. But if it eventually doesn't rain, you will regret taking the umbrella.
No instance of success is void of risk.
bit2.biz is a truly genuine business opportunity and the only way to find out is by trying. The more you sit, wait, analyze and delay the more others invest, and make overwhelming profits.
If you believe in the world banking system, Believe in bit2.biz.